30 Agu 2018

The role and function of students in the millennial era

"The role and function of students in the millennial era"

Currently we are entering an era of globalization. This term comes from two words, namely the era which means the period of time or what we often call the times and globalization means the process of global, rounded processes, global processes. So the era in which global processes occur. The era of globalization is also often called the era of modernization.

With the globalization era, there have been many changes in Indonesia. Starting from the mindset, clothes, relationships, habits and others. Which might be said to be westernized and maybe some of them are far from the value of politeness

Everything always has positive and negative effects. Likewise with globalization. The positive impact of globalization on our country is that globalization brings Indonesia towards a more peaceful, fair & prosperous life. The negative impact is to cause anxiety because it has affected the lifestyle as mentioned earlier. In this paper, we will discuss what students must do to face the impact of this globalization era.

In the eyes of the community, students are agents of social change because they are academically seen as possessing intellectual power.

the youths are currently oblivious of their duties as future development relay holders. This is due to the increasingly sophisticated flow of technology,

What is the role of students?

• Role in Deepening and developing oneself in the scientific field that he pursues so that he can have the ability to assume intellectual responsibility.
• Is a bridge between the theoretical world and the empirical world in the sense of mapping and solving life's problems in accordance with their fields.
• Is a dynamic change of society towards better development. (change agent).
• At the same time is a control of social change that is and will take place.

Students are indeed a unique community where students are always the driving force of change. But only a few Indonesians can feel and have the opportunity to get education to this level because the economic system in Indonesia is capitalist and the education costs are so expensive that poverty is a part of this people's life. The role of students in the social life of the community is:

Moral role

Students who, in their lives, cannot provide good examples and examples and have left their mandates and responsibilities as educated. If today student activities are oriented towards hedonism (rah-rah and pleasure), they prefer to fill their free time with regular dating agendas without knowing about peruban in this country, and if today students prefer the activities of music festivals and competitions for creative reasons, instead of paying attention and improving the condition of the community and shifting their creativity to things that are more scientific and touching the people, such students are portraits of "the lost generation" that is the generation who are complacent and forget their duties and responsibilities as a young man and college student.

Academic Role

No matter how busy students are, going down the street, going down to the people with their social actions, no matter how much the agenda of their activities makes students forget that students are academic people. Students with all their activities must keep their lectures. Every parent will want his child to finish college and become a successful person. So as a child try your best to realize that desire, to carve out a bright future.
This one role is very very important to us, and this is what distinguishes us from other communities, this role becomes a symbol and miniature of our success in maintaining balance and advancing ourselves. If indeed academic failure has occurred, then immediately get up, "the rice has become porridge then how do we make the porridge into" special chicken porridge ". It means that if you have already failed then keep rising and looking for alternative solutions to develop your ability to achieve a bright future in the world and the hereafter

As students who are considered as potential leaders of the nation and as agents of change, many hopes and suggestions arise for these students. And it is hoped that students can bring Indonesia not to fall into the negative impact of this globalization era.

(Task for PBAK UIN SGD 2018)

10 Sep 2013

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hallo hallo ,,,,,,,,,,,,

dear readers :) :) :)


sebelumnya aku pengen kenalin diri aku dulu ya!!!!......

Nama aku Pradita Aliffia Ayuningtias,biasa dipanggil Dita,Pradita,Paradit(yang ini kurang ajar),,#okeskip,aku lahir di Kebumen,Jawa Tengah tanggal 28 april,sebenernya tuh aku lahir tanggal 27 tapi nenekku nulis diAkte-nya tanggal 28 jadilah kalo setiap ngerayain ultah dan semua yang berhubungan sama tanggal lahir pasti tanggal 28-____-,dan pada tahun _sensor_ #hahah,,mungkin disini umur bukan prioritas ,nanti kalo aku keceplosan nulis juga pada tahu kok!#ketawadewa,,,,,,,,aku tinggal di Tangerang,Banten.dulu (sampe umur 4 thn) aku tinggal di Jakarta barat.aku anak semata wayang alias satu2nya.#kayanya bakal bikin autobiografi nih-_-,dan kembali ke fakta2ku,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Selain masakan ibuku ,aku juga suka semua makanan kecuali sate,gak benci sih Cuma rada gak suka.#curhat,
kalo minuman favoritku itu air putih, susu dan jus buah,tapi aku paling gak suka sama buah blackberry dan duren,klo duren pastilah karena baunnya,tpi kalo blackberry gak tau kenapa XD,
kalo aku lebih suka nonton berita ,talkshow,dan acara comedy daripada sinetron Indonesia.

aku itu suka banget sama warna ungu,sampe-sampe semua barang punyaku itu warna ungu mulai dari cat dinding kamar,sprei,tas,jam tangan,dompet,dll.dan aku pengen ganti warna laptopku itu jadi warna ungu tapi belum kesampeyan.hobiku itu nulis diary,dengerin musik,dan baca ff(fanfiction).aku itu suka banget baca buku,dan tempat yang harus dikunjungi kalo ke mall itu toko buku.aku itu gadis berkacamata ,aku udah pake kacamata dari kelas vii SMP ,mataku itu mins, yang kanan mins 2,25 dan yang kiri mins 1,75 dan aku gak pernah lepas dari kacamata selain tidur,mandi,dan wudhu.,,,,aku udah pernah buat ff tapi belum jadi sampe sekarang,bahkan belum dikasih judul,wkwkwk#doain aja yah readers sekalian........
aku itu pernah ngefans sama justin bieber bahkan pernah folder hp-ku penuh ttg Justin bieber,aku ngefans justin itu Cuma sekitar 4 bulan,dan aku udah gak suka dia lagi karena suatu alasan............

dan dari tahun 2012 sejak SuperShow 4 JKT aku udah ngefans sama Super junior terutama si maknae evil Cho kyuhyun,Cuma dia alias si kyu yang bertahan untuk aku jadiin motivator,aku suka dia itu pertama karna suaranya ,aku selalu berpikir kalo dia punya suara yang bikin hati tenang ,dan yang kedua aku suka semua hal yang buat dia istimewa dimata ku !mungkin untuk hal ini Cuma aku yang tau!#ketawadewaagain
my lovesweet caramel macchiato

dan ini fotoku #jadi malu

follow juga twitter aku :  https://twitter.com/PraditaAliffia_

Walaupun aku nge-fans ama cho kyuhyun ,dikamarku itu gk ada poster2 ato merchandise lainnya ,
aku gak terlalu suka sama yang terlalu seperti itu!

dia yang selalu ngingetin aku ,kalo aku lagi bimbang untuk memilih sesuatu!yah lebay emang!tapi itu kenyataan!
okeh udah banyak kan faktanya!di blog ini kemungkinan aku akan bahas 
sebagian besar tentang CHO KYUHYUN,,,,,,,,,,,,,so enjoy this blog!@@@@@@@